Summary Statistics
This module includes a set of functions that output summary statistics for the survival functions generated. These include:
distribution functions
quantile function
simulation plots (with confidence ranges)
Distribution and quantile functions
psurv(surv_fun, surv_time)
qsurv(surv_fun, surv_prob)
surv_fun : vector
survival function for a specific cohort/year with survival time rows
surv_time : vector
vector of survival times
surv_prob : vector
vector of survival probabilities
vector of probabilites (distribution) or survival times (quantile)
# create survival function for an individual aged 55
AUS_male_rates <- mortality_AUS_data$rate$male
ages <- mortality_AUS_data$age # 0:110
old_ages <- 91:130
fitted_ages <- 76:90
completed_rates <- complete_old_age(AUS_male_rates, ages, old_ages,
method = "kannisto", type = "central",
fitted_ages = fitted_ages)
all_ages <- 0:130
surv_func <- rate2survival(completed_rates, ages = all_ages,
from = 'central', init_age = 55)
# take vector of survival function (consider year 2017)
surv_func_2017 <- surv_func[, "2017"]
# calculate probability of surviving 10 and 20 years
psurv(surv_func_2017, c(10, 20))
# calculating the 80% and 95% quantile survival time
qsurv(surv_func_2017, c(0.8, 0.95))
Survival Function Simulation
Given multiple simulation paths of a survival function, the survival function for a chosen year with confidence intervals can be generated.
plot_surv_sim(surv_sim, init_age, target_year, level = 95, years = NULL)
surv_sim : array
survival function with survival time rows, cohort/year columns
and simulation number 3rd dimension
init_age : numeric
integer denoting initial age of surv_sim
target_year : numeric
year for which the plot is made for
level : numeric
desired confidence level (default 95%)
years : vector
optional numeric vector of years for surv_sim
plot of the survival function for the chosen year with confidence intervals
# generate simulated rates with 'StMoMo'
# install and load 'StMoMo' if the package is not loaded
# fitting lee carter model on ages 55:89
AUS_StMoMo <- StMoMoData(mortality_AUS_data, series = "male")
LC <- lc(link = "logit") # lee carter model
AUS_Male_Ini_Data <- central2initial(AUS_StMoMo)
ages_fit <- 55:89
wxy <- genWeightMat(ages = ages_fit, years = AUS_Male_Ini_Data$years, clip = 3)
LC_fit <- fit(LC, data = AUS_Male_Ini_Data, = ages_fit, wxt = wxy)
# simulating rates for next 100 years
n_sim <- 10
LC_sim <- simulate(LC_fit, nsim = n_sim, h = 100)
# using kannisto method to complete rates
young_ages <- LC_sim$ages # 55:89
old_ages <- 90:130
ages <- c(young_ages, old_ages)
kannisto_sim <- complete_old_age(rates = LC_sim$rates, ages = young_ages,
old_ages = old_ages, fitted_ages = 80:89,
method = "kannisto", type = "central")
# create period survival function for individual aged 55
surv_sim <- rate2survival(kannisto_sim, ages, from = "central")
plot_surv_sim(surv_sim, 55, 2050)
Expected Curtate Future Lifetime
It may also be worthwhile to look at the expected curtate future lifetime of individuals.
Historical and simulated future mortality rates will need to be merged together via the helper
function combine_hist_sim
, and exp_cfl
calculates the expected curtate future lifetime.
As there is uncertainty involved with simulating future mortality rates, the function plot_exp_cfl
can generate a plot of expected curtate future lifetime with confidence intervals across years/cohorts.
Combine Historical and Simulated Rates
combine_hist_sim(rates_hist, rates_sim)
rates_hist : matrix
historical mortality rates with age rows and cohort/year columns
rates_sim : array
simulated mortality rates with age rows, cohort/year columns
and simulation number 3rd dimension
array of combined historical and simulated rates with age rows, cohort/year columns
and simulation number 3rd dimension
Calculate Expected Curtate Future Lifetime
exp_cfl(qx, ages, init_age = NULL, years = NULL)
qx : matrix/array
1-year death probabilities with age rows, cohort/year columns
(and simulation number 3rd dimension
ages : vector
vector of ages for qx
init_age : numeric
initial age to calculate expected curtate future lifetime
years : vector
optional numeric vector of years for qx
matrix of expected curtate future lifetime with simulation number rows
and cohort/year columns
Plot Expected Curtate Future Lifetime
plot_exp_cfl(exp_cfl_rates, years, level = 95)
exp_cfl_rates : matrix
simulated expected curtate future lifetime with simulation number rows and
cohort/year columns
years : vector
numeric vector of years for exp_cfl_rates
level : numeric
desired confidence level (default 95%)
plot of expected curtate future lifetime with confidence intervals across years/cohorts
# generate simulated rates with 'StMoMo'
# install and load 'StMoMo' if the package is not loaded
# fitting lee carter model on ages 55:89
AUS_StMoMo <- StMoMoData(mortality_AUS_data, series = "male")
LC <- lc(link = "logit") # lee carter model
AUS_Male_Ini_Data <- central2initial(AUS_StMoMo)
ages_fit <- 55:89
wxy <- genWeightMat(ages = ages_fit, years = AUS_Male_Ini_Data$years, clip = 3)
LC_fit <- fit(LC, data = AUS_Male_Ini_Data, = ages_fit, wxt = wxy)
# simulating rates for next 100 years
n_sim <- 10
LC_sim <- simulate(LC_fit, nsim = n_sim, h = 100)
# using kannisto method to complete rates
young_ages <- LC_sim$ages # 55:89
old_ages <- 90:130
ages <- c(young_ages, old_ages)
rates_hist <- mortality_AUS_data$rate$male[as.character(young_ages), ]
years_hist <- as.numeric(colnames(rates_hist))
years_sim <- LC_sim$years
years <- c(years_hist, years_sim)
kannisto_sim <- complete_old_age(rates = LC_sim$rates, ages = young_ages,
old_ages = old_ages, fitted_ages = 80:89,
method = "kannisto", type = "central")
kannisto_hist <- complete_old_age(rates = rates_hist, ages = young_ages,
old_ages = old_ages, fitted_ages = 80:89,
method = "kannisto", type = "central")
################# USAGE BEGINS HERE ################
# combining
kannisto_55_period <- combine_hist_sim(rates_hist = kannisto_hist,
rates_sim = kannisto_sim)
# working with cohort starting from age 55
kannisto_55 <- period2cohort(period_rates = kannisto_55_period, ages = ages)
kannisto_55_q <- rate2rate(kannisto_55, from = "central", to = "prob")
exp_cfl_kannisto <- exp_cfl(qx = kannisto_55_q, ages = ages)
# Expected curtate future lifetime can only be computed for
# the earlier (complete) cohorts
exp_cfl_kannisto_clean <- exp_cfl_kannisto[, as.character(1970:2043)]
plot_exp_cfl(exp_cfl_rates = exp_cfl_kannisto_clean, years = 1970:2043)